MHS Library Then & Now

A Lot Has Changed in Fifty Years ...


The original library, 1959-1960


The library today, 2009-2010

... but the library has always been a hub of learning.

Cavalier Clarion Vol.1 - No. 1
October 10, 1959

Library Gets New Books

Perhaps you have noticed there are quite a few empty shelves in the library.  No need to worry about it; the shelves will be filled before the end of the year.  At this time there are approximately 1100 books, with a small number coming in from time to time.

The longest you may have a book out it [sic] two weeks.  However, our librarian, Mrs. Polk, would appreciate if it you would return books before the deadline to avoid fines.

Mrs. Polk's assistants are Mrs. MacRill, circulation; Mrs. Trelford, cataloguing; Mrs. Petsuch, textbooks.

The library is open from 7:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. each school day.  There is a card catalog with cross reference, but there is no reader's guide as yet.  One is expected soon.

As of October 2009 ...

The shelves are no longer empty!  The library now owns 25,823 books and continues to add titles all the time.

The card catalog has been replaced by DestinyQuest, our online public access catalog (OPAC), which can be accessed on and off campus via the Internet.

Periodicals can be referenced through several databases, available through the MHS Library website (

Books still check out for two weeks.

The library is open from 7:15 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday, including after school tutoring from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm; and from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm Fridays.

Our Teacher Librarian is Mrs. Bosler.  She is assisted by two Library Media Technicians: Mrs. Jones (audiovisual and textbooks) and Ms. DuVall (circulation and cataloging).
Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Bosler, Ms. DuVall