School Construction


April 1956 - The city of Monte Vista is incorporated.

February 1957 - Chaffey District Board of Trustees votes to authorize sale of $1.5 million in bonds, of which $800,000 will be used to aquire new sites, including one in Monte Vista.

March 7, 1957 - Two additional sites are offered to the district, raising the possibility of dropping plans to buy the site on which the district holds an option. 

March 19, 1957 - Monte Vista City Council and Planning Commissioners meet with district representatives to discuss site selection for Monte Vista High School. 

March 21, 1957 - In their third session of the week devoted to selecting a site for Monte Vista High School, Chaffey Board of Trustees passes a resolution to officially purchase 40 acres at site "C" at a cost of $195,000.  This site is bordered by Benito on the north and Orchard on the south, lying to either side of the unimproved portion of Helena Ave.

June 3, 1957 -- Contract to survey site of Monte Vista High School awarded to W. W. Wickham, of Ontario, for $630.

June 11, 1957 - Planning Commission gives conditional acceptance of the plot plan for proposed Monte Vista High School, contingent on dedication of a 60-foot strip for road purposes and the vacation of Helena Ave.

Architect J. Dewey Harnish tells reporters that no plans had been made for enlarging the school in future because "the saturation point of Monte Vista will not require more than room for 1,500 students, which is the capacity for the planned school."

June 20, 1957 -- Board of Trustees approves the type of building and general concept of architectural design for the new high school in Monte Vista.

October 15, 1957 -- Detailed plans of school shown to the Board of Trustees.

November, 1957 - Architectural firm Jay Dewey Harnish and Eugene Weldon Fickes Jr., of Ontario, prepare working drawings for the campus.

April 8, 1958 - Citizens of Monte Vista vote to change the name of their city to Montclair, to avoid postal confusion with another Monte Vista, CA located in the northern part of the states.

May 6, 1958 - Board of Trustees officially changes the name of the school from Monte Vista High School to Montclair.

May 28, 1958 -- Groundbreaking ceremony takes place.

July 8, 1958 - First material arrives at the job site.

July 10, 1958- Grading begins.

August 4, 1958 - Footings poured for Building E (English Building).

September 8, 1958 - Forms for footings of Auditorium set.

September 12, 1958 - Forms for foundations of Adminstration building set.

September 29, 1958 - Floor slab for Shop Building (Industrial Arts Building) poured.

October 8, 1958 - Floor slab of Building F (Math/Science Building) poured.

October 24, 1958 - Wall panels for Gymnasium poured.

November 6, 1958 - Pool bottom poured.

November 17, 1958 - First wall panel for Gymnasium raised.

December 11, 1958 - Masonry on Gymnasium started.

December 16, 1958 - Pool plumbing installed.

December 19-23, 1958  - Auditorium wall panels raised.

December 23, 1958 - Floor of Administration building poured.

February 27, 1959 - Gymnasium roofed.

March 10, 1959 - Irrigation system installed.

April 1, 1959 - Auditorium floor poured.

April 5, 1959 - Kitchen equipment installed in Cafeteria.

April 13-16, 1959 - Gym floor layed.

July 13, 1959 - Parking lot cleared.

August 3, 1959 - Tennis courts poured.

August 12, 1959 - Curbs installed on Orchard Ave.

August 27, 1959 - Parking lot and basketball courts paved.  Benito Ave. paved.

September 14, 1959 - School begins and Montclair High opens its doors to 1,041 students!

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